In the United States, Distracted Driving is the primary cause of car accidents, with cell phone use being one of the most common distractions drivers face. Whether they are sending a text message, answering a phone conversation, reading through social media, or viewing a video, they put other drivers at risk by diverting their attention away from the road.
Distracted driving is not a new problem. It is a problem that has been around for generations. In fact, it is a term that is even found in some dictionaries. The Random House Dictionary defines distracted driving as:
Driving a vehicle while engaging in an activity that has the potential to distract the driver from the task of driving.

Accidents Caused By Cell Phone Use
In the past, this included activities like eating while driving, putting on makeup, or yelling at misbehaving children in the backseat. Although these activities remain dangerous, the growing use of cell phones while driving is becoming a much more pervasive issue.
Using a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle is reckless and negligent behavior. Your claim for compensation following a Car Accident may benefit from you being able to demonstrate that the other driver was distracted by their cell phone at the time of the collision.
If you or a loved one has suffered injuries as a result of being involved in an accident that was caused by a distracted driver, you should get in touch with a lawyer at the Law Offices of Eugene Gitman to get a consultation and review of your claim. He may be reached at this number: 215-660-4411.