Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Bucks County PA

Riding a motorcycle is an enjoyable way to get around town and is a great method of transportation when you are hoping to enjoy good weather during the summer.

While motorcycles are extremely dangerous—much more so than automobiles—and those who either operate or ride a motorcycle are at greater risks of injury, it is nevertheless an appealing activity and method of transportation that draws thousands of new riders across Pennsylvania every year.

Compared to car accident victims, motorcycle accident victims are in greater danger of injury, and this is especially true if they are not wearing the proper motorcycle equipment at the time of the accident.

That’s why a lawyer from the Law Offices of Eugene Gitman will fight to ensure that you receive the settlement you deserve. The team at The Law Offices of Eugene Gitman are experienced in representing clients for a variety of injuries and situations resulting from motorcycle accidents. Eugene Gitman is himself an experienced motorcycle rider with a decade of experience helping fellow riders get back on their feet after a motorcycle accident.

Eugene Gitman is genuinely motivated to help all his injured victim clients; however, motorcycle injuries can be especially traumatizing, and we want the opportunity to provide our trusted experience in your time of need. We will use this experience to fight for the money that you deserve if you have been injured on a motorcycle.

Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Our accident lawyer offers a free initial consultation for prospective clients who would need to learn more about how we will work for them to protect their rights and interests. Put our wealth of experience and know-how in the area of Motorcycle Accidents to work for you immediately with an absolutely free initial consultation. Learn what you need to do right away to protect your rights and interests after a motorcycle accident.

Read more about motorcycle accidents below and general information about what to expect while working with our team. After that, contact us to talk with a legal professional about your specific situation, the injuries you have sustained, the steps you have already taken, and the most appropriate course of action to ensure that you are given the best protection available.

Common Injuries From Motorcycle Accidents

Without a frame around the passengers, most, if not all, of the impact of an accident is transferred directly to the rider, who will then experience a second impact as they are thrown from the motorcycle and hit the ground.

For this reason, an accident at low speeds that would otherwise be a minor fender bender between two passenger vehicles can be catastrophic for someone on a motorcycle. Proper motorcycle gear can greatly mitigate the severity of the injuries incurred, but even these products often provide inferior protection.  

While we are here to help after a motorcycle accident, investing in good riding gear is important to prevent some of the injuries that may otherwise occur as a result of such incidents.

Road Rash

Road rash is a serious type of abrasion that a motorcyclist can get when they are thrown from a motorcycle and their body slides on pavement or dirt.

It is important for motorcycle riders to wear proper protective clothing, such as leather jackets, heavy pants, gloves, boots, and a full-face helmet, in order to avoid or minimize the damage that they will suffer from this type of injury.

Road rash can cause serious and permanent scarring and may require skin grafting if the abrasions are bad enough that the skin will not regenerate on its own.

Fractures and Broken Bones

Some of the most common injuries are broken bones and fractures. This could happen from the initial impact when another vehicle makes direct contact with either the motorcycle or the rider or the secondary impact when the rider is thrown to the ground.

Even at low speeds, a rider may be thrown from a motorcycle and put their arms or legs out at an awkward angle, hitting the ground and suffering a break. There are many different ways that these injuries can be sustained in a motorcycle accident.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Helmets are extremely important for motorcycle safety, even though Pennsylvania law does not mandate helmets for riders over the age of 21 with either 2 years of experience or who have completed a motorcycle safety course approved by PennDOT.

Lawyers work with many victims of traumatic brain injuries, and our team strongly recommends wearing a helmet at all times. Otherwise, you are at an increased risk of serious concussions, skull fractures, epidural or subdural hematomas, brain contusions, and many other serious and sometimes life-threatening injuries to the brain. 

Calculating Damages For Motorcycle Accident Personal Injury Cases

Like all cases, motorcycle accident damages are calculated by first separating the damages into economic and non-economic categories.

Economic damages are intended to seek compensation for actual financial losses and expenses resulting from the accident, such as all associated medical expenses, as well as lost wages due to missed work or diminished earning capacity due to the injuries sustained.

In some cases, a motorcycle accident claim could even include long-term Disability.

Non-economic damages are intended to compensate the victim for the impacts of their accident that do not have set dollar values appended to them, such as the actual pain and suffering that they have endured during the accident, as a result of their injuries, and during their recovery. They can also include things like fear, depression, emotional anguish, and other hugely real effects of an accident that do not come with a receipt or an invoice.

Contact Us

If you are looking for an attorney in Bucks County who will help you fight for all the money that you deserve after a motorcycle accident, contact our lawyer at 215-660-4411 for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help you through this difficult time in your life.

We know the law and will deal with your insurance company on your behalf. It is our main goal to help you get through this process with confidence and the space that you need in order to focus on recovery while we fight for your legal rights.

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